

  1. Error characterization, channel modeling and coding for flash memories
    Veeresh Taranalli
    University of California, San Diego , 2017
  2. On efficient decoding of polar codes with large kernels
    Sarit Buzaglo, Arman Fazeli, Paul H Siegel, Veeresh Taranalli , and 1 more author
    In 2017 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) , 2017
  3. Permuted successive cancellation decoding for polar codes
    Sarit Buzaglo, Arman Fazeli, Paul H Siegel, Veeresh Taranalli , and 1 more author
    In 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) , 2017


  1. On the Capacity of the Beta-Binomial Channel Model for Multi-Level Cell Flash Memories
    Veeresh Taranalli, Hironori Uchikawa, and Paul H Siegel
    IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2016
  2. Channel models for multi-level cell flash memories based on empirical error analysis
    Veeresh Taranalli, Hironori Uchikawa, and Paul H. Siegel
    IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2016


  1. Polar codes for magnetic recording channels
    Aman Bhatia, Veeresh Taranalli, Paul H Siegel, Shafa Dahandeh , and 5 more authors
    In 2015 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) , 2015
  2. Error analysis and inter-cell interference mitigation in multi-level cell flash memories
    Veeresh Taranalli, Hironori Uchikawa, and Paul H Siegel
    In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) , 2015
  3. CommPy: Digital Communication with Python
    Veeresh Taranalli, Bastien Trotobas, and  contributors


  1. Adaptive linear programming decoding of polar codes
    Veeresh Taranalli, and Paul H Siegel
    In 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory , 2014
  2. Error characterization and comparison of ECCs on MLC and TLC flash memories
    Veeresh Taranalli, Eitan Yaakobi, and Paul H. Siegel
    In Flash Memory Summit (FMS), 2014 , 2014


  1. Multilingual spoken-password based user authentication in emerging economies using cellular phone networks
    Amitava Das, Ohil K Manyam, Makarand Tapaswi, and Veeresh Taranalli
    In 2008 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop , 2008